A Death Certificate is a document produced by the state government that acts as an official identification document for when someone passes away.
In New South Wales, the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) handle the registration of a death.
The Death Certificate is an important document that you will need for legal and financial reasons, as evidence of your loved one’s passing. Generally speaking, it can take several weeks from the time the Death Registration Application form is completed to receive the final document from the BDM.
When arranging a funeral with Liberty Funerals, our experienced funeral directors will take care of all the forms.
Your funeral director will ask you for the information required and will register the death after the funeral has taken place. Here are the questions you will be asked to answer about the person who has died to complete the registration application. It may help to have their birth and marriage certificates available to give you this information.
It's important to know the Death Certificate is different from the Cause of Death certificate which is provided by a hospital or doctor. The Cause of Death certificate cannot be used in place of the Death Certificate.
If you would like to talk to one of our funeral directors to find out more information, please call Liberty Funerals on (02) 9637 0322 or submit an enquiry below and we will get back to you.